What if...

When we first decided to adopt, I remember most everyone was so excited for us. But there were a few who thought we were making a terrible mistake. I wasn't blind to the hardships that adoption would bring. We didn't make our decision to adopt overnight. We spent years praying about it. That constant urge to adopt I felt by God never went away and only got stronger. We did consider how it would affect our lives and our children. Now looking back, I want to share my heart with you.

What if...adoption wasn't a part of our lives...

...Our family would have lived in our own little comfortable life never experiencing God's fullest for us.

...One little girl would have most likely spent the rest of her days in an institution. Never experiencing the love of a family.

...One little boy would have most likely spent his childhood in an orphanage separated from his sister. As a teenager, he would have been released without any direction. He would have most likely turned to a life of poverty and drugs.

...This mama would have never known the joy of watching her child overcome amazing obstacles.

...Our kids would have never experienced the joy of spending their childhood with extra siblings. (Some thought we were doing Callie and Clark an injustice by adopting, but I see the total opposite. I think we have given them the most amazing gift ever. They have so much fun together, and when I'm alone with one of them they miss their siblings terribly. You can never know how much joy this gives me.)

...Our kids would have likely not known how to sacrifice for others. They are learning that the world is so much bigger than themselves. There are people out there who need our love.

...One mom & dad would have never known true sacrifice and the unconditional love from two precious children.

Oh, I can't imagine if this were the case. As hard as it may be sometimes, I wouldn't have it any other way. I'd much rather live a life of sacrifice than a life full of myself. My life is not about me, it's about how I allow God to use me to love others. Everyday I find myself failing, but I try to constantly remind myself of this.

If you feel God pushing you to do something, don't suppress it! If you do suppress it, you could quite possibly miss out on the greatest joy of your life.

What if...you obeyed God's call in your life?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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