Train up a Child...

My sister, Dana, gave me a Bible a couple of years ago. The Bible had color tabs all over it. She explained to me how to use it, but at the time I didn't take time to use it. I'm ashamed to say that it has just sat on my shelf for all this time. I actually totally forgot what the tabs were for (I'm so sorry Dana!!) This morning I got it out and read what she had put inside the cover. The Bible was a "Child Training Bible". She had found the idea at...

When your child does something wrong, you sit down with your child and grab the Bible. You find the action your child did on the index.  Then you turn to the cooresponding color tabs to find verses that deal with it.

I've used it twice today. It has been wonderful! Instead of yelling or losing my temper, I'm now given the perfect guide to talk to my kids about why the Bible tells us the action is wrong. It leads to deeper discussions about sin and how it affects our relationship with God.

Thank you Dana for this amazing resourse! I'm sorry it took me this long to use it. But, I believe I discovered it at the perfect time in my parenting journey. I highly suggest checking out the Child Training Bible website and make your own!

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  1. Way to go Donna. God knew when you would be ready for it. God is good.

  2. That's really cool! I never seen that Bible before but it's a great idea. I'll be checking it out.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Donna! What a great idea. :) Hope to see y'all again soon!


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