A Mama's Heart

Recently, I witnessed something that broke my heart in two. Katya approached two little girls (who she knew) to talk to them. As soon as the girls saw her coming they ran away. Katya was left totally alone. I felt so bad for her. My heart ached for her. This is the first time I saw it with my own eyes. Since then I have seen other ways that she is isolated. It has been really hard for me to come to terms with. I've shed many tears over this. Katya probably doesn't totally understand what is happening, but she is slowing becoming aware of it.

Katya has two things about her that make it hard for other kids her age to accept her. First, the obvious, her use of a wheelchair. Even though she is getting so mobile, still many other kids see her as different and they avoid her. Her second obstacle is not as obvious. Although she talks constantly, she really hasn't mastered the English language. There is so much she doesn't understand. She has a very hard time carrying on a normal conversation where she would listen and respond to someone else. She's great at telling others what to do and asking questions but she isn't able to listen well. She has a hard time comprehending what has been said. Many people don't realize this because she hides it well. But each day she is learning more and getting better.

My goal is to see her become as independant as possible. I long to see her have best friends, go over to her friends' houses and even a sleep over maybe some day. And we are seeing so many exciting things happen that make these dreams very possible.

Katya isn't as different as she may seem. She is an amazing young lady that I know God has huge plans for.


  1. This is so sad; my heart aches for Katya. Even though I know where she was, and know that she is in a much better situation, I want for her, what you want too. Many child with spina bifida are little chatter boxes. Many a speech therapist could work on conversational skills with her. You might want to develop some 'social stories' for her (pm me for more information or google social stories) to understand the pragmatics of language. Hugs to her and you too.

  2. It breaks my heart too! She is adorable & friendly. Things will get better. She is also smart. She will learn to adapt.

  3. Breaks my heart too!!! We will be praying for her!


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