Life for us right now...

Life has been moving very fast recently. In the last year we have been busy with doctor appointments, surgeries, gardening, homeschooling and so much more. I don't even know where to start.

Katya will have her third surgery (since we brought her home) next week. We are in Birmingham twice a year for Spina Bifida clinic where she sees at least four specialists. Each visit to Spina Bifida clinic brings more surgeries, medications, regiments, physical therapy tools, bracing, and other therapies. Most of this is in Birmingham. So as you can imagine we are driving there quite a bit. Katya has made so much progress in many areas. She walks with a walker now! She is only able to walk short distances. We are hoping this next surgery will improve her walking ability. Katya has learned to put on her braces and get completely dressed by herself. Both of these accomplishments came with many tears. As hard as it was, I pushed her and now she can do them. She doesn't have a desire to walk or do anything on her own, so it is difficult to get her motivated. But she is getting there a little at a time.

Brody had surgery in September for a condition he was born with. Unfortunately he will most likely need another surgery early next year because of complications from the surgery. He is also having his tonsils removed next week.

I started homeschooling Katya and Clark in kindergarten in August. I was nervous about it at first, but we are really enjoying it. Some days are challenging but we work it out and move on. They are learning to read! This is so exciting to watch! Their strengths are completely opposite so it makes for very interesting days. Callie and Brody are tagging along and they are learning also. I'll start them in kindergarten in two years. We started our violin lessons back when we started school.

I have started taking cello lessons! I am learning so much and I can already hear a difference in my sound. This is such a great way to have a little time to myself.

In October, Jason started working from home. He still works for the same company. He just works in a different division. This is a dream come true for me. It is wonderful to have him home with us now. He is traveling about one week out of each month.

In January, we started following Dave Ramsey's debt reduction principles. As of today we have paid off $36,000 since January. We should be debt free (except for our mortgage) early next year. Last year this time we were struggling financially. It was a terrible feeling. It's amazing what a little discipline can accomplish. This year is totally different. Dave Ramsey has transformed our lives.

We had our 2nd annual community garden this summer here on our land. We shared the gardening responsibilities with four other families. It was a success. Each year we learn more about gardening. It's hard work but very rewarding.

Until next time!



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