
Updates on my projects...

Once a month shopping. I did it in November and it was wonderful having everything I needed on hand. It does require a lot of planning and a lot of money up front. Because of the money I haven't been able to do it again. But I do plan on doing it again.

Potty Training. We take one day at a time.

Daily quiet times. I do good during the week but I need to do better on the weekends. I started reading through the Bible and reading a commentary before Clark was born. I dropped the commentary so I could read through the Bible faster. Well, two years later I'm in Jonah. I know that sounds terrible. But I keep on reading trying to read it slow so that I can understand it better. I am determined to finish. I am not a reader so it's not easy to sit down and concentrate. Reading through the prophets has really helped me to see how sin hurts God. I am grateful that He didn't just throw the towel in.

Smocking. I have given up. I enjoyed the smocking part but I can't figure out my grandma's sewing machine to make a dress. Oh well. I'll stick to cooking.

Eating better. Well I started a diet a few weeks back but the holidays messed it up. My son continues to be very picky. I am excited that he actually ate a blueberry muffin I made this morning. If it's different he usually turns his nose up at it. Last night at dinner I had some rice pilaf for him...he wouldn't touch it...what did he want to eat?...some pumpkin/pea baby food Callie didn't finish. He's silly.

These last few months have been difficult financially. We are now seeing the full effect of our decision for me to stay home. I put us on a strict budget. It's hard but I know that God will get us through it. I started using an app called "Easy Envelope Budget Aide". It is extremely helpful.

Until next time! Donna


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