I can't believe October is already gone!

During the last couple of months I have been trying to get to only one grocery shopping trip a month. So far it has been unsuccessful. But the other day I got determined. I was going to make it work! So I got busy and made a menu for the entire month if November. Then I made a shopping list. I was able to find some really good deals on a few of the items at Gregerson's in piedmont. I got my meat there. I found five 1 1/2 lb packages of ground beef marked down to a little over $2. I was so excited about this! Two days later I decided to finish the massive list at Wal-Mart with the kids. I know I'm crazy. We hunted out one of those shopping carts with the seats attached. I had never used one before. For the first 30 minutes everything went great. Then it all began...my son wanted to touch everything and then he decided he wanted to grab everything. He eventually ended up shattering a glass jar of salad dressing. Then my daughter started whining and if you know her you know that if she starts whining a blood curdling scream is soon to follow. After many attempts to use the paci to appease her I realized that I was going to have to pick her up. So here I am with a baby on my hip, restless child in the buggy saying "down, down, down, down...", trying to guide an enormous full buggy with one hand, and trying to shop all at the same time. Yes I was in tears literally. Then my daughter fell asleep. I decided to carefully place her beside my son and I asked him if she could rest her head on his shoulder. To my amazement he agreed. It was soooo sweet. She slept until we got to the register. So I've learned a few things about monthly shopping trips...don't bring the kids! But if I have too #1 let them watch Mickey Mouse the whole trip #2 make sure they aren't tired. At least I only have to do this 12 times a year.

I've been reading through the Bible and I'm in Ezekial right now. It has taken me a very long time to get there (actually I'm embarrassed to say how long). But I keep on keeping on. I can't get over how deep God's love is. Even though his children repeatedly chose to turn their faces from Him He never gave up. Yes He had to punish them severely but He was always there pleading for them to return to Him. What an amazing God we serve! He is waiting for us to return to Him. It makes me so sick to see how my sin grieves Him. After reading through Isaiah and Jeremiah I stumbled upon a song from Michael Card (by the way he is my absolute favorite- I love how he puts pure scripture to music-his heart and soul is in his music). It is called "Then they will know". I was listening to it on my way to Tampa. It as about 4 am and mom and the kids were asleep. I listened to the words and realized that this was straight from theses books. I was in tears! This song beautifully illustrates Gods love for His people. If you have time listen to it.

Until next time...


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