Great is Your Faithfulness

Walking around these walls
I thought by now they'd fall
But You have never failed me yet
Waiting for change to come
Knowing the battle's won
For You have never failed me yet

This last year has been a true test of our faith. When we began the adoption process to bring our youngest home, I knew trials would come. Actually, somehow I knew this would be the hardest time of our lives, thus far. I know now that God was preparing me. 

Only a few days into the journey, I was hit with overwhelming fear and anxiety. My husband was quick to point me back to God’s faithfulness in our past. We had seen firsthand how God had been faithful in our lives, surely God could be trusted to wage this battle we now faced. 

I rested in this hope. 

A few weeks later, my husband was facing his own trials. There were rumors of downsizing in his company. Fear and anxiety hit him hard. This time, I was able to remind him of what he had told me a few weeks before. 

I truly feel that God gives us people in our lives to remind us of his lovingkindness. Sometimes when we are in the middle of a hardship, it’s hard to remember what God had done in our lives. We need people who aren’t afraid to remind us. 

Your promise still stands
Great is Your faithfulness, faithfulness
I'm still in Your hands
This is my confidence, You've never failed me yet

As the months went past, I was faced with trial upon trial as I worked to gather the paperwork necessary for the adoption. It was such a hard time in my life but I constantly reminded myself of God’s faithfulness. 

I remember hearing this song on the radio and at church and how it hit me so hard. It was just what I needed to hear as I walked through this valley.  Little did I know that the biggest trial of our lives (thus far) was coming.

I know the night won't last
Your Word will come to pass
My heart will sing Your praise again
Jesus You're still enough
Keep me within Your love
My heart will sing Your praise again

We met and were matched to our daughter in February. Everything was going so well. We would return a few weeks later for court to officially adopt her. 

Four days before we were supposed to fly out, tragedy struck. My husband’s job was eliminated. This was the lowest valley we had ever experienced together. Suddenly everything halted. We were helpless not knowing what the future might look like. 

Two days afterwards, Covid-19 hit and the borders of our daughter’s country closed. Court was canceled. Looking back now I clearly see that this was God’s hand working in our lives. For us, this allowed God to strip everything away and force us to trust him alone. 

The weeks to come were so hard. Through all the unknowns and uncertainties, though, God gave us unexplainable peace. 

I remember my husband saying, “I can’t wait to be on the other side of this and tell others our testimony about how God provided”.  When he said this, it instantly gave me a peace and almost an excitement to see what God would do. 

Your promise still stands
Great is Your faithfulness, faithfulness
I'm still in Your hands
This is my confidence, You never failed

Your promise still stands
Great is Your faithfulness, faithfulness
I'm still in Your hands
This is my confidence, You never failed me yet

Six (long) weeks later, God did provide. Looking back now, it was miraculous. My husband was offered a job with his previous employer in the same type of field. For the adoption this was perfect. I still can’t wrap my mind about how amazing this all was. 

God had a perfect plan. It didn’t seem perfect at the time but he was molding us. He uses trials to grow us. I believe, this is the only way God could get us to trust him alone. Truly we had nothing else.

I've seen You move, You move the mountains
And I believe, I'll see You do it again
You made a way, where there was no way
And I believe, I'll see You do it again
I'll see You do it again

After the fact, we saw God’s hand in it all. During the final stages of the adoption we had to stay in country for a few weeks. With my husband’s previous job,  he would have never been able to work remotely. His new job allowed him to work while away. 

Your promise still stands
Great is Your faithfulness, faithfulness
I'm still in Your hands
This is my confidence, You never failed

Your promise still stands
Great is Your faithfulness, faithfulness
I'm still in Your hands
This is my confidence, You never failed me yet

Fourteen months after starting this tough journey, we had our daughter home. I can’t imagine if we would have said no. Yes, it was the toughest year of our lives but we have been given this amazing gift to see firsthand God’s lovingkindness. If we had said no, we wouldn’t have been able to see him work in our lives to this degree. 

Today, there is one less child in an orphanage. She has a family and home of her own. She will hear about God’s mercies throughout her childhood and we pray that she will one day know him personally. Yes, it was worth it all.

And You never failed me yet
I never will forget
You never failed me yet
I never will forget


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