Sickness, sickness, and more sickness!!

We have had quite a rough last 4 weeks! On Christmas night, I started experiencing a painful cough. Then the next afternoon, our son developed a high fever and I followed later that afternoon. That Friday, our son was better but I was totally out of commission. After the kids were in bed that night, I went to an after hours doctor and found out I had the flu and pneumonia. The next day, my husband fell victim. By Sunday night, I was feeling much better (I was probably doing more than I should have). Early Monday morning, I woke up having extreme shortness of breath. By late morning, I felt that if I didn't get to the ER I was going to pass out. So I went to the ER and they decided to admit me. The antibiotic I was taking at home wasn't working, so they put me on something stronger through IV. By the next day, I was better and I went home. My husband and I continued to battle it for almost another week. Meanwhile our daughter ended up with the flu and an ear infection.

While we battled this all, I had a friend ask me if she could share her essential oils with me. I told her that at the time we were getting better and not to worry about it (little did I know I'd be in the hospital less than two days later). I told her that I was interested in them but at this time in our lives we were low on finances because of the adoption. A few days later when my daughter got diagnosed with the ear infection, my friend hooked us up with all kinds of different oils to try. I decided to give the oils a chance before using the antibiotic the doctor prescribed. Well after I used the oils, Callie never pulled on her ear again. By the next day, there was no evidence that anything was ever wrong. I never used the antibiotic! This is what sold me! If I could possibly treat without using antibiotics I was all for it. The last thing I want was for us to abuse antibiotics on little things like ear infections and then they wouldn't work on life threatening illnesses like pneumonia. So I told my friend I wanted in! I got my kit of Young Living essential oils last Friday. That night, we were awaken to my daughter screaming because she had just vomited all over her bed. The next day I kept Thieves on the kids feet as well as mine. I also diffused it in their room at nap time. My son did get a much lighter case of it the next morning (only diarrhea). I was feeling queasy that morning but I drank some tea with a little peppermint oil in it and I never felt queasy again. We continued with thieves throughout the day.  This morning I used a little Stress Away. I was amazed that I was able to work on all the adoption paperwork and our taxes with absolutely no stress all day. I also diffused lavender in the kid's bedroom at bedtime and I noticed that it really helped the kids calm down faster. I'm amazed!

I was able to sneak out to go to a Young Living Informational meeting in Gadsden this weekend. It was amazing to hear all the awesome testimonies. I am so excited to see how these oils are going to change our lives. Not only with treating illnesses but in preventing them. I can't wait to share more as we see results.


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