Love Story

Guest post from my husband...

My daughter and I were laying on the couch tonight watching the Notebook. I'm sure most of you have probably seen the movie so you know the story and plot. For those who haven't (spoiler alert), it's basically centered around a book written about the love between the couple in the movie. I'm not a sappy movie kinda guy but I do enjoy this one from time to time. It got me to thinking when Donna and I are old and grey or have passed on from this world, what will our love story be? What will our children remember about our love for each other? Will my girls remember how I loved their mom when they begin to have feelings for guys? Will they look to the popular culture guys that are out there the way many young girls have looked at Justin Bieber or similar? Or will they look for a guy who honors God first?

These questions won't be answered until years later. To obtain the answers I hope for, there are things I have to do now.

The first is to love Donna just as Christ loves the Church. If you're not familiar with that love, I'm here to tell you that is some amazing love! If i think in terms of how Christ loves me, I think about how patient His love is. I think about all of the many times I turn my back of God and how many times I try to make it on my own before surrendering everything to Him. That is truly patient love.

The next is to humble myself removing pride and arrogance. Just as Jesus stepped out of Heaven and humbled himself as a man, even to death on a cross, I must humble myself before my family. I have to selflessly give up what I have or may want to ensure my family has everything they need both spiritually and physically.

I cannot keep a record of wrongs. If I cannot forgive my wife or family, how am I supposed to expect God to forgive me? Also to be quick to forgive just as God doesn't withhold forgiveness to me; why should I allow bitterness to set in and hold off on forgiving my wife?

Donna has been as submissive of a wife as a man could ask for, just as the Bible commands. I want my children to see me respect this submission by being the spiritual leader of our home. To lead her with authority, not arrogant, but through the guidance of God from the reading of scripture, prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit.

I am no where near perfect but by allowing God to be the center of our marriage, I hope that when my children someday look back on our love story they see the love of Christ in all aspects. This love story may include mistakes along the way but I hope they will see grace and forgiveness.


  1. Jason, I love you and what I see God doing in your life. I am amazed at the growth and maturity I see in you lately.Keep looking to Him. You have an amazing witness.


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