What does God want?

Guest Post from my husband...

What does God want?

Well, another Christmas has come and gone. Our kids seemed to have had a blast. Towards the end of Christmas night we noticed our son wasn't feeling well but we thought maybe he was just tired from all of the drama. The next day he was running a high fever and was visibly sick. Later it was Donna who was sick then me. Donna went to the doctor and tested positive for the flu and pneumonia. I was about a day behind Donna in my symptoms and our son was better each day. Donna didn't get better though even with the meds and ended up seeking care in the ER after a very rough night and morning. They admitted her to the hospital which leads me to where I am now.

I just finished putting the kids to sleep for the night and now I'm in bed alone while my sweetheart is in a hospital bed by herself. I begin to think about how fragile life is. A week ago we were celebrating Christmas happy and healthy. Even being completely healthy won't guarantee another tomorrow or even another minute of life. Before you think that I am only thinking doom and gloom, I am really thinking of life and how I use the time God has given me.

It all makes me wonder a bit if I am doing what God wants me to do; some may call it being in God's will. Throughout my life I've often heard the term "seek God's will" like it was some big cosmic mystery God had planned for my life hoping I will find the way. God's will is clear from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21; God wants a relationship with me and wants to be worshipped. Sounds simple enough, so how do I make sure the decisions I make on a daily basis are wise decisions to help me stay in God's will?
Proverbs 1:5-7 "A wise man will hear and increase in learning, And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel, To understand a proverb and a figure, The words of the wise and their riddles. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction."

The more I pray, study God's Word, share the gospel and keep God's commands, the closer my relationship is with God. Not only that, I've noticed that my relationships with my wife, children, family and friends also become stronger. During these times I find God revealing things to me so clearly. God may have not told me in an audible voice to marry Donna but I had a peace about that decision I could not explain. God didn't send an angel to me to outright tell me it was time to have children but I was deeply convicted and had a burning desire to have children I had never had before.
On the flip side, the more unconfessed sin I have in my life, the more my relationship with God suffers. I notice my other relationships suffer as well.

So what is it that God wants? To have a relationship with me and to be worshipped. Many other things will happen as a result as I filter out the things that separate me from God. Sometimes I just need to slow down and remember what God wants from me and make sure I don't waste the time I have on this earth "outside of God's will".

If you've made it this far, thanks for taking the time to read. Also, if you have prayed or are praying for our family's health, your prayers are very much appreciated.



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