One year home!

This month marks one full year of being a stay-at-home mom. I have to admit that I don't miss work at all. I do miss the relationships with co-workers and patients. But, I truly believe this is where I was always meant to be. We were so worried about living on one paycheck. It was hard those first few months. I tried to find every little way to save money. But, God always provided and little by little he blessed us beyond what we could have ever dreamed. I absolutely love spending all of my time with my kids. Now we do have our moments but I cherish being able to spend every waking minute with them! We have enjoyed "Before Five in a Row" so much. It gives us a chance to dig into books and a chance to cuddle and read together. I am so glad I found it! My son is now also doing a little structured preschool work also. He can hold his pencil correctly. He knows his colors and most shapes. He can count to 10. He knows the days of the week. (thanks to "The Little Rabbit" from Before Five...) We are working on learning our ABCs and recognizing the letters. He is finally fully potty trained. He has been for a couple of months. So it took about 10 months. Wow, and I thought I could do it in a month! Little did I know. I'm hoping mydaughter will be easier. Only about six months before I start with her.

So my son got a violin for his birthday. He has been wanting one and I really wanted to start him in music young. We have had a week of lessons. (each lasting 5-10 min). So far he can hold his bow and violin correctly. It's going to take time. My goal is for him to play Twinkle by Christmas. We shall see.

Until next time! Donna


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