
I know we all only like to share the good stuff so I decided to share some of the bad.
I had a wonderful day yesterday until about 4:30pm. The day started with me getting up around 4:50am to cook breakfast for my husband before he left for work. Now I know that sounds like torture but it has become a great way for me to serve my husband and it also is a motivation to get out of bed. After I cook breakfast I get the opportunity to read the Bible and spend much needed time talking to God. Often I am overwhelmed by my messy house around me and I am tempted to clean up first. But I try my best to resist that urge. When I got done with that yesterday my youngest child was already awake so I went ahead and got the kids up. So now the cleaning had to be done with the kids around. Fun! It was around about that time when my favorite Cello piece started playing on my music channel. That was the motivation I needed to finish my cleaning. I didn't get a shower until nap time. But that was ok. After that we went on a walk/jog to the mailbox. It was such a beautiful day. So as you can see so far the day wasn't that bad. Around 4pm I started cooking for a women's get together at church. In the middle of it I decided to go and get dressed for it. Before I did I sat my oldest child on his little potty and I told him to sit there until I got back. On my way to get dressed I stopped by the kids room to get their clothes. So instead of getting dressed I brought their clothes back downstairs. Guess what I son had gotten up and my 1 year old daughter had his potty and pee-pee was everywhere. Great. I was already pressed for time and now I had to clean this mess up and give Callie a bath all while I was trying to prepare some food for the event. Eventually I made it upstairs to get dressed. But it doesn't stop there. Callie was whining the entire time after I gave her a bath. She wanted me to hold her. But I couldn't. As I was trying to wrap things up so we could leave. I spilled half of the tea all over the counter, floor and my phone. I was so relieved to finally be in the car. I really needed that time with other moms last night after that. So there's the truth.

Until next time! Donna


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