8 months at home

Wow it's hard to believe that it's been over eight months since I left my job!

I remember how scary it was to leave the comfort of a second income. We had to depend completely on God. It was very difficult at times but God got us through those times. He has proved to be the God who provides for our every need. I had nothing to worry about. I haven't once regretted my decision to stay at home.

After six plus months of potty training my oldest is finally off of pull-ups. I am one happy mama. We continue to battle getting him to eat good foods. All he wants are biscuits and PB & J sandwiches. I'm not sure where I went wrong on this issue. As a baby he ate pretty much any baby food. I think he has a serious problem with textures. I also think he is actually scared to try new things. I have to admit that I am guilty of putting a little v8 in his juice on days he is especially hard. Oh and forget about meat. He won't touch it. Except for chicken nuggets.

So this past weekend I finally took the time to use my favorite cookbook in the way it was meant to be used. The name of it is "Don't Panic! Dinner's in the freezer". I have tried many recipes in it and I have even froze a few. But this is the first time I actually took the time to make many of the recipes so I could freeze them. I ended up with 21 meals. Most are not completely cooked. But all I have to do is thaw and throw in the oven or pot. I'm excited about this because I really have a problem getting supper on the table most days. My youngest seems to be very needy around 5pm. I'm going to try to cook a few meals every other weekend to keep the freezer full.

For Easter the kids and I made a Resurrection Garden. We gathered plants and objects outside to recreate Jesus' tomb. On Easter morning I "rolled" the stone away and put some flowers in the garden. I talked with my oldest about the amazing event that happened on the first Easter morning. He enjoyed the hands on story. This is the single most important day for me and I want my children to realize the importance of it.

Clark's "school" is going great. He loves Jesse Bear. With this single book we have...

  • learned a new Bible verse
  • played games finding different objects in the book
  • made a Jesse Bear (complete with several changes of clothes)
  • looked at nature
  • been to the library twice to get books on nature and bears
  • acted out the book
  • read another book like it
  • made additional verses to the book

and we still have one more week of projects to do with the book.
We are really enjoying "before Five in a Row"!

So if you've read my other posts you probably read that I have been reading through the Bible for the last three years. I know that's not impressive. But I'm not a reader and sometimes I have a hard time focusing. So I'm at least glad I've stuck with it. And by the way who made the rule that it has to be done in a year? I have been able to take my time and ponder what I've read. Now I'm in Romans. All I can say is Wow. I guess I've never read it straight through before. I can't get over how spirit filled Paul is. It is amazing to me that this is the same guy who was torturing Christians years before. I was blown away by his statement in 9: 2-3. He said "My heart is filled with bitter sorrow and unending grief for my people, my Jewish brothers. I would be willing to be forever cursed-cut off from Christ!-if that would save them". Wow how many of us have this type of love? This is the ultimate in human love. I honestly can't say that I'd be willing to be forever cursed and spend an eternity in hell to save someone else. I know this is selfish. I am truly grieved that I can't say this. I have been praying that God would change my heart and give me this type of love. God has truly convicted me.

Until next time! Donna


  1. I'm so proud of you, Donna.

    I am so proud of you, Donna. I love reading your story and of course looking at the lovely pictures of my grandchildren.


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