Before Five in a Row

We have been prayerfully considering homeschooling our children for some time now. I was homeschooled and while there were some disadvantages to it the benefits were far more numerous. I wouldn't change it for anything! There are many wonderful teachers in public schools (we are friends with many of them). But no matter how great the teacher is they can never love and nurture our children more than we can. These are their most vulnerable years and we will never get them back. While we don't want to shelter them completely we do want to be there to provide a godly explanation to the things they learn. There are many homeschool groups we can get involved in so there won't be a problem with socialization. When I left my job last year, homeschooling became more of a possibility for us.

I've been researching many different curriculum and I wasn't sure what I wanted to start my oldest child out with. I don't want to push him. I want him to enjoy being a child. That's when I was introduced to Five in a Row by a mother at our church.

After reading about it I got excited. It was perfect for Clark. It basically gives you different learning activity ideas to go along with 24 classic children books.

It even has scripture to go with each book (we are going to memorize a verse with each book).

I got the curriculum (for ages 2-4 "Before Five in a Row") last week and we have already started and we love it! We are going to spend three weeks on each book. That way we will be finished by Clark's fourth birthday. Then we will probably start something more structured. You do have to either purchase each book or find them at a library. It can get a little expensive because some of the books are out of print. You can substitute with a similar book if necessary. If you would like to do this curriculum...see me. We are going to try to purchase each book and I would love to let you borrow the books. Can't wait to share more as we go through it!

Until next time! Donna


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