Staying at home

It has almost been four weeks since I left my job to stay home with the kids. It has gone by so fast. My major fear in staying home was that I would be lazy. While some days I do battle this, for the most part I haven't had time to be lazy. Just caring for the children is a full time job. When you throw in cleaning, cooking, and other different projects there is no time for it. I have definitely kept myself busy.

I had several goals. Some have been successful and others have completely failed.

The first goal was to potty train my oldest child. This has been successful. Monday he went to the potty 9 times! We aren't 100% a day yet, but we are getting there.

The next goal was to get my oldest child (and myself) to eat better. He has started eating apples and pears. He doesn't like me to cut them up. He only likes them whole. I think this is so crazy but whatever works. Before I started staying at home he would not touch a simple sandwich. This was hard for the times I needed something quick for a meal. Then one day I decided to cut a peanut butter and jelly in the shape of a star. It is amazing that this worked. He ate it all. So, I did that a few times. Now he doesn't care if I cut it in a shape or not. He now eats PB&J, grilled cheese, and PB & banana sandwiches. It is funny that even though he is so picky, almost every day (since he turned one) he eats a meal of sweet potato (or potato), peas and applesauce (or yogurt). He doesn't like meat (I have to hide it). For breakfast he loves grits, oatmeal, french toast, cinnamon toast, biscuits (his favorite) and cold cereal (this is a new one). As for myself...well the weekend before my first week home my husband mentioned that he wanted to start eating better. This was perfect timing for me. So, we went grocery shopping together. That was the most produce we have ever bought. We decided to reverse our meals, eating our biggest meal in the morning. So, I get up at 5 am most mornings and cook breakfast before my husband leaves for work. I cook his meal for lunch the day before (this is great because I can take my time and do a little at a time). For supper we try not to eat much at all (this is awesome-I don't have to cook). My husband has been so strong. I'm amazed wow much will power he has gotten. I have cheated a little bit. So, while he is losing many pounds I am slowly inching down. Whatever happens at least we are eating alot of fruits and vegetables. I have been taking the kids on a walk almost everyday to get the mail. The kids love this.

 My goal of going the store once a month has completely failed. Since we are eating alot of produce I am at the store at least once a week. We are spending more at the store. However my husband has almost completely cut out eating out at work. So, I'm sure we are actually doing better as far as spending goes.

My goal to have a consistent time with God in the morning has been a success during the week. It is so wonderful to start the day this way!

I have been enjoying trying new things at home. I have tried making laundry detergent & whole wheat bread. I am also trying out smocking.

Until next time!


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