Opening a new chapter of our lives

This is my last week at work. It's kind of bittersweet. For the last twelve years I have worked in radiology and it has become a huge part of me. I love the challenge of getting the best images possible and I also love getting to know my patients. I will truly miss it all. But now I can pour all of that time into my family.

I'm so excited to get started as a stay at home mom! I have so many plans!

My first project is to potty train my oldest child. I've decided no more diapers starting next Saturday. We will see if he will cooperate. I sold my car so we will be at home everyday during the week. This will be great for potty training.

My next plan is to figure out a way to get my oldest child to eat better. That boy is so stubborn when it comes to eating "good" food. I have gotten very lazy about eating healthy these last two months. So, I'm eager to get back to eating better and being a good example to him. I want to take a daily walk/jog to the mailbox with the kids in the jogger stroller for exercise. I'm starting out small. With two little kids it is so hard to do any sort of exercise.

My next goal is to only go to the store once a month. This will be good since I don't have a car right now. I read a blog of a mother that does this. It is quite inspiring.
I also ordered a book called "Don't Panic, Dinner's in the Freezer".                   
The idea of the book is to cook one day a month and have tons of meals in the freezer ready to throw in the oven. I haven't received the book yet but I am eagerly awaiting it.

The most important goal of mine is to spend more time with God early in the morning before the kids wake up. I am ashamed looking over the last few months. He is the most important part of my life but I don't spend hardly any time with Him. I want to be a shining example to my children about what a relationship with God should look like. Please pray for me to be a strong example and to stay consistent.

After all this, I have a lot of home projects I would like to work on.

So, once August 3rd is over. Our lives are changing drastically. Can't wait!!


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