God’s Perfect Timing

I want to share with everyone about how the trips for the girls came about and how amazing God’s timing is.

As most of you all know this past year has been especially hard for us. I had been dreaming of traveling out west with the family, but something medically kept coming up.

Back in 2018 we were able to tag along with Jason while he traveled for work. We took our travel trailer all the way to Prince Edward Island and back. I loved exploring with the kids while Jason was working. We saw so many wonderful places.

I wanted to do something similar out west. I started planning and Jason was on board. Earlier this year it was apparent that we would not have the finances for this trip and Jason was dreading driving all the way out west (the kids can be horrible on long road trips.) I believe the Lord started telling me that this wasn’t the right time. So I told Jason that we could cancel the trip.

A couple of weeks later we only got a tiny fraction of the bonus that would have helped fund the trip. So I could clearly see that canceling the trip was the right thing to do.

One day, not long afterwards, Mila had a post op appointment in Birmingham and we were able to meet up with a family whose daughter also has Spina Bifida and is Katy’s age. As we were all talking over lunch, they began telling us all about their daughter’s Magic Moments trip to Disney a few years ago. At the end of our visit, she asked me if she could refer Katy & Mila for Magic Moments trips. I, of course, said yes!!!

A few weeks later, I got a phone call from Magic Moments. They informed me that both girls got their trips. Y’all, I was in complete tears. I was overwhelmed with gratitude to Magic Moments and I was in awe of God’s timing. I know that this isn’t a necessity, but he knew my longing to travel with my family and he made it happen. 

Katy chose the Grand Canyon because she read a book about it in her Civics class this past year in school. It will be amazing for her to see it in person. Mila chose Disney World because she loves Disney princesses. We’ve never been as a family.

Another wonderful thing is that we don’t have to drive to the Grand Canyon (that’s probably Jason’s favorite part.)


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