Learning to Trust God

Over and over again, throughout my life, God has been teaching me to trust Him. You’d think that after all of the lessons He’s given me, that I’d never worry again. However,  God has to use others to remind me of what He’s done in the past because I so quickly forget. 

Here are two recent testimonies of His lovingkindness in my life.

I won’t give all the details but here it goes. 

Katy has outgrown her wheelchair. She had this wheelchair for over 6 years! 

Early this year, we started the lengthy process of obtaining another custom wheelchair for her. It takes months! Halfway through the process, Jason changed jobs, our insurance changed and we lost some extra assistance that has helped us with all of our costly medical bills. This delayed the wheelchair process by almost 2 months. 

Then the unimaginable happened…our new insurance refused to pay for the new wheelchair and we were faced with the reality that we would have to pay 100% (they aren’t cheap!) I immediately started panicking. What would we do? 

I remember pouring out all of our troubles with our kids’ piano teacher one day. You know what she said to me…

“You know that God will handle this! Just remember what he’s done in the past.” 

She had witnessed the amazing ways God had intervened in Mila’s adoption and she was able to remind me of what He had done. Thank you Lord for people who are there to remind us. I was stuck in panic mode and I was taking God out of the situation trying to handle it on my own.

I started reaching out to others to try to find a used chair to help buy us time. I was overwhelmed by friends and even people I didn’t know who offered their used chairs.  But Katy really needed a chair designed for her. All the options were too big for her right now.

Out of the blue, some things changed and with awesome folks on our side we were able to gain the extra assistance that we had lost, which completely covered the cost of the wheelchair even though insurance would not pay. I didn’t even know this was a possibility. This was totally God!

I received the phone call, today, that Katy will get her new wheelchair on the 24th! I didn’t think we’d get this all worked out until months from now! I’m just so amazed by how God works.


This weekend one of our cats went missing. We were all devastated! It was Mila’s cat and she cried her little heart out. My heart ached for her and the kids. I prayed that God would work a miracle and bring sweet Harry back to us. I knew that whether or not God gave us our cat back, I had to use this moment to show the kids how God uses trials to grow us in our faith. At that exact moment, we were memorizing James 1:2-4.  

“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds. For you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing”. 

The next morning our sweet Harry was still gone. As I shared with the kids the meaning of these verses and how it applied to our circumstance, Callie expressed that she couldn’t count this as joy. I had to explain to her that joy isn’t like happiness. Finding joy in difficult circumstances is that our eyes are on the Lord through it all. And that brings a steadfastness that helps us persevere and grow us in our faith of God.

Another day went by and our Harry was still missing. I decided to post on Facebook. Almost immediately, neighbors about one mile down the road told us that they had a cat that looked just like Harry. Sure enough, it was him! As soon as Callie found out, she said that this was all God and that He deserved all the credit. My heart was so full to watch my children first hand learn to trust God and give Him the praise. 



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