Katya Ruth

Katya turned 7 this year! It's hard to believe that time has flown by so fast. I remember the first time I saw a photo of her. Her smile was contagious. I couldn't wait to meet her! Fast forward to the next year, I finally met her for the first time. I immediately fell in love with her raspy little Ukrainian voice. At the time, I never dreamed how much I would learn from this beautiful little girl.

Since she has been home, she has endured so much! Right off the bat, she underwent two major surgeries. I was amazed how strong she was. As time went on, I found out that God had brought us together for a special purpose. I needed her to show me how to show love freely and also to develop patience. Katya consistently tells me that she loves me throughout the day. She usually says, "I Love You" when I'm having to endure the mundane tasks that her condition requires of me. Many times I take this for granted. But when I ponder on this, I realize that she loves me no matter what. No matter if my attitude is great, no matter if I'm upset with her. And while my love is underneath always unconditional, I do not always express it as much as she does. She is teaching me to express it and to physically show it more. The second thing she has taught me is to be more patient. This is a big one. She is very stubborn and needs help to progress. Many times this comes very slowly. Day by day working on and pushing her through tasks that I know she is capable of. Each time we work through it slowly and we succeed.

God knew that I needed this precious girl.


  1. Love, love , love little Katya from the first time I saw her lying in her crib and now I love you too for choosing her to be your daughter and give her all the opportunities that were missing to her in Ukraine!


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