Callie Emmaline

I remember well the day I found out I was expecting Callie. It was a hot but wet July sunday. I was so excited but cautious at the same time. A few months prior, I had miscarried and I prayed that it wouldn't happen again. It was hard to understand why God allowed that child to die, but I do know that he knew we desperately needed Callie. Without that miscarriage she wouldn't be here.

Fast foward many months later, our little Callie was born. From day one, she knew what she wanted and would not back down until she got it.  I remember those first 15 months of her not sleeping at night. Something I was not use to with my first child. I often felt that she would never outgrow it. But she did. She actually became my best sleeper. God taught me selflessness through that exhausting period.

As she grew we started to see her personality shine through. She is very much a girly girl, loving dresses, princesses, singing, nail polish & lipstick. She is very delicate. I've had to learn to be gentle with her. She is extremely smart but she often lacks in common sense. Her thoughts are up in the clouds, most of the time. She's independent when she wants to be. She knows she's the baby and she milks it.

There are so many cute things she does right now. She finishes nearly every sentence with "really". It's so cute. The other day Jason walked into the kids' room at the end of a nap. He smelt something bad. So he asked if one of the kids had pooted. Callie looked guilty. He asked if she did it. She looked at him and said "my bottom was snoring, really". Oh man, she is so cute!

Oh, what fun this little girl brings to us! We love her so much!

Erin Ellis Photography 

Erin Ellis Photography 

Erin Ellis Photography 

H+M Photography 

D. Crowe Photography 

D. Crowe Photography 


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