6 months home!

The kids have officially been home 6 months now! On September 3rd, I arrived to Atlanta with the kids. I was totally exhausted but very happy. September 3rd was the hardest day of my life. 20 plus hours of traveling alone with a 3 & 5 year old was so hard, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat for them. Once we were finally home that night, I was so relieved . We were finally all home together.

It all started 8 1/2 months earlier, in mid December. Jason and I had been discussing adoption for a couple of years. We knew we would do it but we didn't know how or when. I stumbled upon Katya & Brody's pictures on the internet. At first, I almost past them by because there were two of them. We were only planning on adopting one child. But as I read about them, my heart was taken and I knew we were meant to be their family. There were no absolutes in the beginning that we would be able to adopt them specifically, but we knew that if God meant for this to be He would make it happen. In July, Jason and I were on a plane to Ukraine. After nearly a month in Ukraine we passed court on July 30th and the kids were ours. After a 10 day waiting period I returned to Ukraine alone to finish the process up. After many delays and even a visit from Jason we finally flew home on September 3rd.

It is amazing how the kids adjusted so well. They instantly bonded with Clark & Callie. They also showed us much affection, which is very unusual for adopted children. Their first night home went amazingly well. They slept in their beds with no problem. The only problems we faced were behavioral, like spitting for Brody and too much attachment to me for Katya. They weren't use to deciding for themselves on how to spend their time. When I wanted them to play they didn't really know how to without me being right there with them. Katya needed approval from me on everything. So she constantly called my name. Probably 200 plus times a day. This was exhausting. Things have gotten better.

In October, Katya started seeing physicians to find out how to treat her issues related to her Spina Bifida. In November, she had surgery on her brain to help her hydrocephalus then in December she had surgery to release some tendons in her left foot. After her December surgery, she was in a cast for a month. After the cast was removed in January, she suffered a few complications. In February, she got her first set of braces for her legs. She also started Physical Therapy once a week. Our goal is to eventually see her walk. But even if she never does, we will be there right beside her making sure she has what she needs to flourish. I'm so excited to see her future improvements.

Brody has been a very active child since the time we first met him. He only slows down to sleep. It has been a challenge to work with him on learning to control some of that energy. He is slowly learning to listen to me when I ask him to stop doing something. He has to be reminded about every 2 minutes but he does listen more now. One of Brody's favorite things is to be cuddled. He loves for me to hold him tight and talk to him.

Katya has picked up on English amazingly well. She understands and is able to communicate almost anything now. Brody is learning slower but he is catching on. I am excited to start Clark & Katya in kindergarten (homeschool) this coming August. They are also learning to play the violin.

Adoption is an amazing thing. Some days it is so hard but then again isn't parenting in general hard. I mess up many times, but the next day I start new and by God's grace I try again. The most important thing is that the kids now have a family to call their very own. I'm so glad we took the plunge to adopt. Where would we be without them? We'd be living a comfortable life never experiencing God's full amazing plan for our lives.

Until next time!



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