This year has been a whirlwind!  It started with a lot of uncertainty and ended with much joy.

In early January, I had just racked up a huge bill at the hospital and we didn't have much to go toward the adoption. I had no clue how God was going to pull this off. Everytime I would worry, Jason told me to trust God. If it was meant to be, God would provide somehow, someway. God showed me that if he can form the universe he can definitely handle our situation. Sure enough as we needed the money God provided. From January to October God provided $25,000. I'm so blown away at this. I should never doubt his power ever again.

Early in the adoption process we didn't know much about Katya & Brody. We only knew that we had a deep uncontrollable desire to give them a home, family and medical care. That didn't come from us. Because as you may know Jason & I are two very selfish people. This desire came from God. It was amazing to find out little pieces about them as we went through the adoption process. The day we met them was a wonderful day. But we had a long and hard journey ahead of us to bring them home.

Leaving Clark & Callie was the single hardest part of the adoption. Somehow we survived the long seperation. When we returned things got back to a new normal pretty fast. The kids got along very well. The hardest part for me was Brody's wild ways and Katya's use of "Mama...mama...mama...mama..." 200+ times a day. As the days went by things got better.

Katya has made 6 trips to the children's hospital since she got home. 2 of the trips involved surgery. All I can say is she is a trooper and she definitely lights up a room. We can't wait to see her progress in the months and years to come.

Callie & Clark have grown so much this year! Callie is turning into a beautiful spunky little girl. We love her dearly. Clark is turning into an independent and loyal big brother (we call him our biggest and Katya is our oldest...and he likes that). He is a protector. We love our little man so much.

Brody & Katya have adjusted very well. Katya is a little mama, telling everyone what to do and making sure that I know if her siblings disobey. She loves attention and technology (you better hide your phone before you hold her because it may go missing). She loves sitting in our laps. She gives everyone hugs and kisses including every stranger she talks to (we're working on this). She has picked up English amazingly well and sadly she won't speak Ukrainian to us at all anymore. Brody is full of energy, terribly clumsy and very curious. He watches everything. He uses his toy tools correctly just as though they were real. His English is coming slower but he's learning. Our love for Katya & Brody grows by the day.

Being a parent to biological and adoptive kids has taught me so much! First it has shown me how inadequate I am. I fail daily and sometimes hourly at being a good mother. I need God's strength and grace to survive. Each day I strive to do better with God's help. It has taught me to be more patient and to lower my expectations. It has taught me sacrifical love and unselfishness. Of course I don't always display what I've been taught but God's working on me.

I can't wait to see what 2015 holds!


  1. Love what God has done through this family. It seems like the kids have been together forever, and I think they favor. God is good.


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