First couple of months as a family of 6

After we got home, we were amazed at how well Brody and Katya adjusted to their new life with us. The first night in their new beds was very successful. Nightime was a breeze. During the day the hardest part for me was that they didn't seem to want to play with toys or watch any type of TV. So they were always at my feet wanting something. This was really hard when I had so much to do to keep our family cared for. Katya probably said "Momma" 200 times a day. So as you can imagine this was very hard. Over the last couple of months she has slowly learned how to deal with situations more on her own. Now both Katya and Brody play more with toys and they will watch TV a little longer. At first Brody would go wild whenever we went somewhere new. He is getting better.

From the very beginning Clark and Katya have had a very special bond. On the way home from the airport they giggled and giggled "talking" to each other. Even though they didn't speak the same language yet they were having a blast together. When we first told Clark about Katya last year, the first thing he said was that he was going to help her learn to walk and that he would protect her. Clark has the biggest heart I have ever seen and his love for Katya is so amazing. He constantly helps her, hugs her and tells her that he loves her. Whenever Katya needs something, Clark is the first one she goes to. In October, Katya had to have a test under sedation. When she woke up she was sobbing. The only one she wanted was Clark. It completely melted this momma's heart. This is a bond only God could form. He knew how much they needed each other. Callie is the total opposite. When asked if Brody was her brother she replied "no that's Clark's brother". She calls Brody "my friend" and Katya "my girl". She is still so young I'm not sure she grasps everything. Callie continues to be our most dramatic child. Every once in a while I'll catch her really playing with Katya and Brody.

Brody is a very quiet child. If you listen very carefully you'll find out that he knows quite a bit of English. Over the last few days I've really bonded with him as I decided to start potty training him. I was so surprised to find out that he is a pro at it. He has really "blossomed" since I gave him this new big responsibility. We have spent more one on one time together and he loves it. This morning he came up to me and asked me to hold him. I dropped all my tasks and held him. He was in heaven and I was too. I found in life that love strengthens over time. It's amazing to watch my love for these children get stronger and stronger as the days go by.

In October, I brought Katya to the Spina Bifida clinic at a Children's Hospital within 2 hours from our house. That day she saw four specialists. I got a lot of answers about what to expect in Katya's future. While some of her disabilities will have to be dealt with daily for the rest of her life, her future looks very bright. We have an amazing team to help us along the way. She will have two surgeries before Christmas. After the first of the year, she will start physical therapy weekly. We were so excited to learn about "Children's Rehabilitation Services". All of Katya's medical costs related to her Spina Bifida that our insurance doesn't pay for will be covered by them (except for her first visit to the Spina Bifida clinc which was over $2,300 alone...we know God will provide). CRS is a huge answer to prayer.

I started Katya and Clark in preschool in September. We are working hard on letter and number recognition, writing, and Clark is even learning to read very simple words. I will start them both in Kindergarten next fall. I really enjoy homeschooling. Katya is really benefiting from the one on one time. She has a hard time with concentration which I think is related to the Spina Bifida.

We are so thankful we took the leap to adopt. It has changed us all in so many ways. If God has burdened your heart for adoption, just do it. God will provide. He will make a way.
photography by D. Crowe Photography


  1. I'm so glad that you decided to adopt too. My heart is so thrilled.

  2. My heart still gets very to explode with joy knowing that the two little orphans I held in my arms and photographed in Ukraine, are now in the arms of their parents forever.


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