Am I worthy?

I have a hard time writing on my blog sometimes. I feel like I'm so unworthy that anyone would read about me and my little life. I'm not a writer and I'm sure I make many grammatical mistakes. But I write because I want to preserve my precious memories. So if you are reading this, know that I am writing from my heart, humbly.

Recently I have been burdened about the authenticity of our Christian walk. We sit in church, go to small groups and do all the "christian" things. On the outside we may seem to have it together. But as a couple, were we spending quality time together reading, praying and studying the Word together? We live in such a fast paced world. It's filled with tons of meaningless things, while the most important things often get left out. So for the last few weeks, we have purposefully set a time in the morning to do just that. Just us two. God has been working. I believe we are now getting more out of other Bible studies because of our time together. Please pray that we remain faithful to this!

I try to spend time with oldest chile each day talking to him about God and reading Bible Stories to him. I love how our story Bible points every story to Christ. Showing how all of history cried for the Savior. My youngest child is so wild that she won't let me read to her yet. But she does let me sing to her. So for right now, that is how she is learning about God.

Weare continuing to do our "Before Five in a row" activities. It is a great time for us to bond. I wouldn't trade it for anything!

I have started to teach my son some of the preschool fundamentals. I am constantly blown away by the things he remembers. It is amazing to see how his mind adsorbs everything! I recently got an activity book for him to do each day. He loves it. I'm not pushing him. I'm only moving forward as he shows interest.

I would still love to homeschool! I have been burdened recently about us being a light to the world. I don't want us to be confined to our little cabin in the woods. So, I am going to have to be creative to find ways for us to share God's love with others. When my children are asked if they know someone who doesn't believe in God, I don't want the answer to be no. As Christians, our main purpose is to share about God's grace to a lost world. This is my only fear about homeschooling, that we would shelter our kids from the lost and dying world around them.

I have been enjoying the music of Keith & Kristyn Getty here recently. God has truly gifted them. My favorite right now is "The perfect wisdom of Our God". At the end of the 2nd verse it has words from my life verses...1 Cor. 1:26-31.

Please listen to it!!

Until next time! Donna


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