April's fury

Little did I know what would take place Wednesday night. After the storms that morning our power had been out. A power pole had fallen in our neighbors yard. It was up and running that afternoon. We all thought that was a bad storm. Wow! if we only knew what was coming. We heard about the tornado that had destroyed Tuscaloosa and we were watching the radar closely. When we heard that it was near Piedmont we were in the process of getting in the basement. That is when I received a call from work...Mass Casualty...I was to report to work as soon as possible. I jumped in the car and raced to work. That was the scariest drive of my life! When I was about a minute away the storm got really bad. I was shaking as I drove, trying desperately to get there as soon as possible. When I got there many people were in the hallways because of the severe weather precautions. We had several tornado victims come in but not as many as expected. Most of the victims went to another local hospital. It was amazing to see all the employees that showed up to help out. So many doctors, nurses and other hospital staff. We were all there to help in whatever way we could. We saw many terrible injuries with frightening stories. As I worked with the patients I couldn't help but thank God for sparing me and my family from this terrible storm. But still I wondered why I was spared but these people were not. Some things just don't make sense. But I have to remind myself that God is in control. Even though things seem so senseless and horrific, God has a plan. He sees the whole picture. We only can see what is right in front of us. My prayers are with all the victims of this storm. I pray that God uses this tragedy to bring about something beautiful. If nothing else but to show us all how precious life is. To learn to live life as if it were our last.

"We will not fully understand the purpose for our trials until our Lord calls us home to be with Him. But we do know that He loves us too much to harm us, and that He is far more concerned with our welfare than we are. God's choices are always right. Nothing in His universe happens by chance or accident. For every effect there is a cause. God "worketh all things after the counsel of His own will: That we should be to the praise of his glory" (Ephesians 1:11-12). Yes, God is in control. "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)" Lehman Strauss


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